What I offer counselling and therapy newbury berkshire

What I offer

“The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change” Carl Rogers


Is directed at helping you resolve more specific issues and difficulties, such as relationships problems, bereavement, anxiety and stress. It is often shorter term and helps you find ways of approaching life situations differently through changing your thinking and behaviour.


Offers longer term support and greater depth. It explores more deeply rooted issues from the past that may be causing problems in the present. The focus is more on gaining insight and awareness, helping you to accept all aspects of who you are.

I understand that starting therapy isn’t easy and in itself can be anxiety provoking. I am here to offer my help – Please contact me.

Initial consultation

I offer a free no obligation 30 minute initial consultation.

This is a time to discuss your reasons for choosing therapy. It also offers an opportunity for you to get a sense of how I work and how comfortable you feel with me. It is a space for you to share a little about yourself and to ask any questions you may have. Therapy is a collaborative process.


If you decide that you would like to proceed with therapy, I offer weekly sessions at an agreed time. All sessions are 50 minutes long.

It is preferable for us to meet at the same time once a week, this proves more effective than less frequent sessions.

I offer both short term counselling, usually 6 – 12 sessions and long term (open-ended) therapy with regular reviews.

I will provide you with a counselling agreement, which sets out our session specifications, confidentiality and ethical codes of practise. You can give notice to end our sessions at any time, however I would like the opportunity to provide you with an ending session.

“I am rooted, but I flow” – Virginia Woolf

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