Supervision – In line with the requirements of my professional bodies British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) and National Counselling Society (NCS), my work is regularly supervised by a qualified supervisor. Their role is to ensure that I work ethically and professionally. You are referred to by a code to maintain your confidentiality. My supervisor will have no knowledge of who you are. All conversations between myself and my supervisor are confidential.
Therapeutic Will – I have appointed two therapeutic executors to attend to my clients in the event of my demise. These executors are qualified therapists who are also members of BACP. One of them will contact you to let you know of my demise, and offer to support you where appropriate. My executors are also responsible for the appropriate storage or shredding of all case notes and personal details in this event.
Data Protection Act 1998 and GDPR – All personal details and case notes are stored in a locked fireproof cabinet and can only be accessed by myself. Case notes are only identified by a code ensuring clients anonymity. I keep a paper diary to manage my appointments, where you are referred to by code which is stored securely and separately. My telephone is for Counselling only and is password protected. My computer is for my use only and is password protected. My email account is separate from my personal email account.
Exceptions to confidentiality – If you disclose something that leads me to believe that you or someone else is at risk of harm, I am required by my professional code of practise to break confidentiality. In these exceptional circumstances in the first instance, I would aim discuss this with you beforehand however there are some extreme situations where this may not be possible. I can explain this further to you in your first meeting.